Air Quality & Goal 13 - Climate Action
Goal 13 is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Pollution that causes and accelerates climate change equally pollutes our lungs, our communities and our ecosystems.
Mitigating the impacts of climate change and improving air quality go hand in hand. Ground-level ozone (a component in smog) and particulate matter, both of which are health-endangering air pollutants, are expected to increase as temperatures rise.
Further, wildfire smoke from increased frequency and severity of forest fires due to climate change could significantly reduce air quality and affect both ecosystem and human health in certain regions.
Implementing this goal is vital to help protect our health and well-being, as well as decrease impacts on climate systems. This means mitigation problems by dealing with root causes, such as reducing GHG emissions or increasing the potential of carbon sinks like oceans and forests.
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Additional Information
Combat climate change and its impacts by taking action.
Mitigation and Adaptation Actions for Climate Change
The report highlights the importance of mitigation and adaptation techniques to create resiliency.
Environmental and Health Impacts of Air Pollution
A review published in 2020 on the adverse effects air pollution has on human and ecological life.