Business Membership Policy

RCEN membership is open to non-profit, business or individual members who demonstrate sincere interest, concern and action towards Canadian sustainability and environmental protection.

RCEN encourages renewals from current and previous members, as well as new applications from businesses which are interested in collaborating, networking and sharing resources with others at a national level. 

RCEN reserves the right to refuse any membership applications that are not consistent with RCEN’s mission or that could introduce conflict of interest. This includes membership requests from businesses or organizations that do not engender the public’s trust in RCEN to preserve and protect the environment. 

RCEN will not accept membership from:

  • Businesses that are recognized as major polluters; sources that make or sell, or whose names are widely associated with, a business practice or product that is unusually damaging to the environment.

  • Businesses that are known to have recently (within the last 5 years) committed significant violations of environmental laws; or 

  • Businesses that the Board of Directors considers to be major antagonists of environmental organizations.

Once a membership application is received, staff members will provide recommendations in the form of a briefing note. The recommendations will brief the Board on the fitness of membership as per the membership criteria and the Board will make a decision based on the available information within a reasonable period of time.